Artist: Various Artists
Title: Early Flood Warning: My Idea of Fun at 300
Release #: MIF300
Release Date: 08/01/2015
Format: Digital

01. The Song the Husy Tenor - Endless Mike and the Beagle Club
02. We Sat Around the Stereo - The Sea Was Angry That Day, My Friend
03. Toxic Brain - Lung Rip
04. Blowin` in the Mind - Technological Epidemic
05. Better - Cones
06. Outrospace II (Scy) - PP Band
07. Information Age Discrimination - Hark
08. Cuteasaurus - Naughty Naughty Nurses
09. Operation Crossroads - Bikini Test Go Ahead
10. Fifty Shades of Disdain - C. Scott and the Beltones
11. Ed Gein Part 2 - Norma Desmond
12. Perfect World - Fern
13. Dreaming Collective(ly) in Hi-Fi - The One and Only Matt Miller
14. Looky Looky Yonder - 69 and Die
15. Lemonade - Dan Oatman
16. Mountain Dew - Rural Carrier
17. Employee of the Moth - Higher Fives
18. Conversations by Appointment (Spin, Go Round) - Emmett and Mary
19. Toad in the Hole - Shingle
20. I'm Alone in my Principles - Ovarios
21. The Populating of Empty Space - Stage Hands
22. 5-4 - Siamese Dream
23. No Truth - The Hit and Miss Engines
24. Keeper of My Dreams - Laika, the Astro-Hound

Curated by Christopher S. Bell and Brandon W. Locher
Artwork by Brandon W. Locher